Elizabeth Forbes' latest novel Who Are You? was published this week, I was thrilled to be asked to read a pre-proof copy of the novel .... I adored it. It's clever and ground breaking and very brave, you can read my full review of Who Are You? here.
The launch party for Who Are You was held this week and I was very excited to received an invitation to attend the party, to be held at the Cavalry & Guards Club in Piccadilly - the panic about the dress code began within two minutes of opening the envelope - how posh!
The dress bought, the train ticket booked, I made my way down to the big city. I met up with friends at 5th View in Waterstone's Piccadilly for a drop of courage first and before we knew it, we were climbing the steps into the grandest club that I've ever stepped into!
After downing a glass or two of wine pretty quickly, I began to spot some familiar faces, and was so delighted to meet Lizzie Forbes at long last. Huge hugs were exchanged, and my copy of her book was signed. I admit that I had a little tear in my eye when I saw a quote from my review on the back cover of the finished book ..... with my name alongside it ..... I am so thrilled, and keep peeping at it ... can't quite believe that it's true!
We had a wonderful evening. I met up with Alan Williams and Amanada Jennings again and the fabulous team from Cutting Edge; Paul and Hatty and Saffeya who has now left them, but keeps returning for all the parties.
A fabulous evening - full of friends, old and new, hugs, laughter, red wine stains and visits to the balcony.
Thanks Cutting Edge Press - you rock, you really really do!

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