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Thursday 30 May 2024

Being With Cows by Dave Mountjoy BLOG TOUR #BeingWithCows #DaveMountjoy @bedsqpublishers @RandomTTours #BookSpotlight


An intensely transformational story of how grief became gratitude in the presence of a humble herd of cows.

Being With Cows details the incredibly moving story behind the tragic death of one man’s brother and how his personal quest for inner healing came to him unexpectedly on his organic farm in the French Pyrenees.

A remarkably powerful yet heart-warming story, Being With Cows pays homage to Life’s unending compassion and insistence that in the very centre of all things, lies pure and untainted simplicity. Through a deeply tangible sense of gratitude, it tells of how tragedy can be overcome through the healing power of nature.

The book contains 12 original illustrations of cows by Sean Briggs©.

Being With Cows by Dave Mountjoy was published on 23 May 2024 by Bedford Square Publishers. As part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour, I am delighted to shine a spotlight on the book today 

• For fans of H is for Hawk and The Salt Path. An intensely transformational story of how grief became gratitude in the presence of a humble herd of cows.

• Aimed at the self-help market and is about finding salvation through acceptance of pain and sorrow.

• Authored by Dave Mountjoy, cattle breeder, founder of Being with Cows Retreats and Dave and the Retreats were the subject of the BBC documentary ‘The Secret Life of Farm Animals'.

'Dave Mountjoy writes movingly of how, by simply spending time with his cows, he found an unexpected sanctuary from grief, and a new awareness of gratitude, honesty and humility. He reveals how, in the presence of cows and without strain or effort, the mind is stilled, and the ego is shed. Being With Cows is a testament to the innate goodness and compassion of cows, and to the feeling of benevolence they evoke in those who encounter them. It is, like the cows themselves, a tonic for the soul.' – Mary Costello

Dave Mountjoy is a cattle breeder, the founder of Being with Cows Retreats and father of two slightly wild young boys. 

He is inspired by living in dedication to quietness, to acceptance and the understanding that behind the rough and tumble of everyday life, the unchanging presence of Love seeks only to guide us back into the lasting peace of the Heart.

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