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Thursday 4 July 2024

The Orange House by Isabelle Broom #TheOrangeHouse @Isabelle_Broom @HodderBooks #RespectRomFic #BookReview


Henry and Violet first met in the garden of The Orange House on the beautiful island of Mallorca.

They promised their lives to each other, poured their love into restoring the house and built the foundations of their marriage within its walls. First it was their private idyll, then a place to escape with their son, Luke - but now it has become a battleground.

As the years have passed, cracks have appeared and secrets have built barriers between them.

Finally, on the brink of divorce, they have come back to Mallorca to sell up. Will this final summer together be the end - or a new beginning?

Twenty years ago, The Orange House brought them together.

Now, will it be reason they part?

The Orange House by Isabelle Broom is published today; 04 July 2024 by Hodder. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review. 

I clearly remember the day that I heard that Isabelle Broom  had a publishing contract. She's always been a writer, best know for her book reviews in Heat magazine, and now almost ten years on and eleven novels later, we certainly know that she is an absolutely talented novelist too. What I enjoy most about her books are the settings. Each one set in a different location and the amount of research that the author does is so easy to see.

In The Orange House, the reader is transported to the sunshine of the beautiful island of Majorca.

The novel opens as Violet returns to The Orange House from England. This house means so much to her, it's been the central point of her meeting her husband Henry and raising their son Luke. However, this is not a happy visit. Henry and Violet have separated and Henry has put their beloved house on the market. Violet is both devastated and also a little relieved, she has her own personal issues that she's not shared with anyone, and the sale of the house may go some way to solving those. 

With style and elegance, Isabelle Broom relates the early story of Violet and Henry, how they met in the garden of the Orange House, when it was just a shell, with an overgrown garden. Henry's father gifted the house to him, he had great plans for the house and meeting Violet was the spur that he needed. They fell instantly in love. However, they were both so young, and the unexpected arrival of baby Luke changed their plans. 

It is clear from the present-day aspect of the story that there has been so much hurt in this marriage. Not only does Henry bear the physical scars of what has happened, they also have the emotional scars of having to deal with Luke's vulnerabilities. He's now a man, but has always been troubled, over protected by Violet, misunderstood by Henry, with violent outbursts and incredibly hurtful comments, living with Luke has always been like walking on eggshells. 

Slowly and surely and with such emotional depth and sensitivity, Broom tells the story of this fractured family. Three people who hurt and love but don't know which way to turn. Luke's girlfriend Eliza, as young as she is, has a steadying effect on the family, both Violet and Henry learn a great deal from her handling of Luke and his emotional health. 

It is a stunning story, in a beautiful sunshine setting. The streets of Pollensa come alive through Brooms exquisite prose, her characterisation is exceptional, with characters to love and some to detest. 

For me, this is Isabelle Broom's best novel to date. There's such depth to the story, and I really enjoy reading about characters who are a little older than those featured in most novels of this genre. Her insight into mental health and Luke's troubles is outstanding. Beautifully done with skill and gentleness. 

A wonderful story. Highly recommended by me. 

Isabelle Broom was born in Cambridge nine days before the 1980s began and studied
Media Arts at university in London before a 12-year stint at Heat magazine. 

When she is not travelling all over the world seeking out settings for her escapist novels, Isabelle can mostly be found in Suffolk, where she shares a home with her two dogs and more books than she could ever hope to read in a lifetime.

X @Isabelle_Broom

Instagram @isabelle_broom

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