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Sunday 27 November 2011

Liebster Blog Award

I was delighted to receive this Liebster Blog Award from Pamreader.  I've followed Pam's blog and on Twitter for some time now.  Her posts are always entertaining, I've picked up some great book tips and I've vowed that one day soon I will make the trip to Nottingham to see her at her Book Group.

Pam's blog informs me that the word Liebster is the German meaning of dearest.

Here's what to do if you are given the Liebster Award:
1. Thank the giver, and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on to your blog
4. Hope that the people you have awarded it to forward it to their five favourite bloggers to keep it going!

Here are my Five Favourite Picks:

Lainy, my friend from Scotland who blogs here.  I met Lainy via and she's been a great friend to me, I was lucky enough to meet her in real life at our Reader's Day in Birmingham this year.  Lainy blogs about some really unusual books.  I love her, she's a little star!

Josie and her adorable ginger cat Jaffa tell us all about their adventures with books at Jaffa Reads Too.  Josie is another lady that I know through Readitswapit, and although I've never met her in person, I feel as though she's been a friend for a very long time.

Linda lives in Italy, she blogs about her life there at Lindy Lou Mac In Italy, she is also an avid reader, just like myself and tells us about the books that she has enjoyed here.  I really enjoy reading about Linda's Italian life and also her wonderful holidays.

Last Christmas a friend of mine sent me a wonderful recipe book called A Slice Of Cherry Pie, and I've spent most of this year trying out the lovely ideas.  The book is written by Julia Parsons and evolved from her blog which you can find here .  After books and reading, cooking and eating is my next love so any foodie books are always welcome in my house  - this one and the blog are amongst the best.

One of the most exciting new British writers around is Jenn Ashworth, who also writes an entertaining blog, check it out here.  Jenn writes topical and up to the minute books, she doesn't hold back and can often be shocking but her talent shines through.  She's going to be huge!

Thanks so much Pam, for giving me this award and letting me pass it on to other fabulous bloggers.


  1. Aw thanks Anne that is so sweet <3

    I'm not really sure how these things work to be honest but thank you so much for thinking of me. Good luck with the tweeking and I will keep an eye on your progress.


  2. Thanks so much for thinking of me Anne and I hope you do not consider me a spoilsport but my blogs are Award Free. :)

  3. Thanks so much Anne for including Jaffa and I in this award are very kind to think of us. x


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