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Saturday 29 June 2013

Oscar the Bionic Cat by Kate Allan

Those of you who know me well will know that I'm a cat lover and have owned cats for all of my life. At the moment we have two seven-year-olds; Costa and Nero - a pair of cheeky, if very lovable rogues who rule the household - and quite rightly so.

I rarely get a chance to watch TV so missed the BBC Series The Bionic Vet which was aired a couple of years ago, so when a copy of Oscar the Bionic Cat by Kate Allan dropped through my letterbox, it was the first time that I'd heard about this amazing, and very very lucky black cat.

Oscar has certainly used up all of his nine lives - and more! Not content with being hit by a car and having to undergo surgery, he then found himself in the middle of an argument with a combine harvester.

Oscar is not your ordinary, everyday cat, and in this case the cat won!   His owners, Kate and Mike were fortunate enough to have a wonderful vet who was determined that Oscar would walk again, he'd heard of the pioneering work done by the 'Bionic Vet' in London and soon plans were underway for Oscar to receive a pair of implants that would enable him to run and jump again.

I enjoyed reading about Oscar and his journey. I guess at times, this must have been a pretty difficult and emotional story for Kate Allan to re-tell. It is clear from her writing that she and her husband Mike adore Oscar, but also had their other three cats to consider. Oscar's treatment went on for a long time, with long periods away from home.

A story that will touch the heart of any animal lover, well written and from the heart.

Oscar The Bionic Cat by Kate Allan was published by Summersdale in February 2013.



  1. Can you tell me what happened to Oscar after this book was written? I´ve read the book and I´d love to know what happend to this little chap that I come to love dearly through this book. Can you please find out somewhere? Everywhere I´ve looked it´s only old films and stuff... Love this sweet heart! <3 <3 <3

  2. I have just finished reading this lovely book and too am wondering what's happened to Oscar?

  3. Found this comment from kate on a website:

    Kate Allan
    12 FEBRUARY 14 AT 9:50 AM
    Just to let you know that Oscar is alive and well and back at home. Noel did another op which was successful. He’s full of energy and walking on all 4 legs

    1. I have just finished the book. Read it in six hours! Could be something to do with the way, it connected. I have a pure black cat, called Sweet Pea, and she has olive green eyes...The likeness is amazing, except, she luckily, has all her tootsies. I was desperate, to know, if Oscar is still alive, as the wonderful book, left us unsure. What an inspirational little darling, and the vet is pretty amazing too. Yes, it was an expensive procedure, but he was young, and if you could, raise the money, and save your beloved pet- I think most of us would want to...not, only this.but experimental surgery - must help to discover many things, that in the end, benefit, animal and humans too. It was so brave of everyone concerned......long live this dear little chap on his wee bionic tootsies!

  4. Brillient news Kate, long may he live. I really felt for you all whilst reading the book.
    This was the 1st book I've read in 14yrs due to fibrofog and what a good choice! I will never forget Oscar.
    Love to you all. Fay and Spooky black cat xx

  5. So great I found this as thread as I looked everywhere what happened to Oscar. I literally just finished reading the book.
    OSCAR and everyone involved; much love to you

  6. So pleased oscar ok


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