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Tuesday 24 April 2018

The Penance List by S C Cunningham Blog Tour @SCCunningham8 @rararesources #ThePenanceList

A steamy suspense-ridden psychological thriller - think Silence of the Lambs meets 50 Shades and hold on tight! 
S C Cunningham writes with a skilled mix of fuelled tension, dark humour and pulsating sex scenes. 
Grab a glass of wine, close the bedroom door and read alone! 
What happens when opposites attract - when a scorned childhood sweetheart grows into a gorgeous sexual tour de force - when a fun loving career girl, her racy girlfriends and insatiable lovers get caught in his revenge - when sex becomes a weapon, hearts become bait and straight tastes gay - when hi-flying careers, clandestine affairs and wannabe starlets are hunted by celebrity hungry press? Obsession, kidnap, murder... and he's just getting started!

Welcome to the Blog Tour for The Penance List by S C Cunningham; The David Trilogy Book 1 organised by Rachel from Rachels Random Resources.

I'm really pleased to welcome the author to Random Things today, she's talking about the books that are special to her, in My Life In Books.

My Life in Books - S C Cunningham

Am British born of Irish roots, the eldest of five my parents sent me to a nun’s boarding school at the age of eight for eight years, which I thought a little harsh as we only lived at the end of the school grounds - I tried not to take it personally as I guessed they thought I needed controlling.

My early memories of the nuns are their disapproving cries of “Siobhan Cunningham, you have the devil in you!” Also a little harsh as I was a good girl, just not fast enough to leave a crime scene. When everyone else had the good sense to bolt I would be left standing, caught and blamed for whatever misdemeanour my dormitory of girls had been up to.

Our main crimes were midnight feasts (I was in charge of lighting – candles ‘borrowed’ from Chapel) and reading banned books under covers after lights out. The nuns didn’t like us reading much, except the Bible, which at times put the fear of God in me. I adored all Enid Blyton books and longed to be a member of The Famous Five, but for some reason they were banned from our school, which I never did understood.

I also adored Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty (have always been a sucker for animals), Agatha ChristieJane AustenHarper LeeDaphne Du Maurier and Shakespeare.

But when a well-worn copy of Harold Robbin’s The Carpet Baggers was secretly passed around like a hot potato (I certainly did understand why that was banned, it made all us girls look at males and ourselves in a new light) the power of words hit me.

My love of books over the years has mainly been around murder, mystery, crime and psychological thrillers. I never seem to have enough time to read as much as I would like. My prime time for reading is when I travel on trains, planes and automobiles. Where I have no distractions, I can ignore folk, become invisible and get on with the guilty pleasure of disappearing into another world. My favourite places to read are bed and beach.

My reading tastes reveal a pretty primitive narrow spectrum of thriller romance and action - Martina Cole, James Patterson, John Grisham, Michael Connelly, Colin Dexter, Nora Roberts, Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, Dan Brown, Patricia Cornwell, John Le Carre, Ian Fleming and my uber fav is Lee Child, although I’ve not forgiven him for selling the rights to Tom Cruise. Tom is wonderful I’m sure, but he is no Jack Reacher... (sigh).

I was once married to a rock musician; we ran a recording studio in Oxford Circus, London for eight years where we produced music for film. It is here that I found my passion for film and discovered that music played a main character. I now write books with film in mind; I have to hear, see, smell, feel and taste each scene I write, as if directing a Director.

The power of exciting storyline mixed with haunting music makes for wonderful movie. My Psychological Thriller The Penance List has been adapted to film script and is sitting on a desk in Hollywood somewhere. Fingers crossed.

My reading these days also includes; Victim and Witness Statements, Forensic Reports, CPS Charging Decisions, Crown Court Police Reports, Blackstone’s Police Investigators Workbook and Blackstone’s Police Operational Handbook as I am a Crime Investigator (Major Crime Team, Intel Analyst, Wanted & Absconder Unit, Crime Investigations).

My steamy thrillers The David Trilogy and paranormal rom thrillers The Fallen Angels Series would most certainly be banned by those nuns, maybe I deserved ‘the devil in you’ title after all. J

Thank you for joining me on this reflective journey of books in my life.

S C Cunningham - April 2018 

British Crime Investigator & Crime Writer, Siobhan C Cunningham creates steamy psychological thrillers and kick-ass paranormal romance with a skilled mix of fuelled tension, dark humour, and pulsating sex scenes. Having worked in the very industries she writes about, her novels offer a fresh level of sincerity and authority, rare in fiction. An ex-model, British born of Irish roots, she married a rock musician and has worked in the exciting worlds of music, film, sports celebrity management and as a Crime Investigator for the British Police (Wanted & Absconder Unit, Major Crime Team, Intelligence Analyst, Investigations Hub). Abducted as a child, she survived; and every night for months afterward, she prayed to God, asking for a deal. This personal journey sparked the fuse behind the intriguing and riveting fictional world she portrays in The Fallen Angel Series. Twenty years later she crossed paths with a violent serial attacker who haunted the streets of London, the seed for The David Trilogy was sown, book one is The Penance List, and has been adapted to film screenplay.
She is the proud mother to contemporary Artist Scarlett Raven and is owned by three dogs.

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