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Tuesday 28 March 2023

The Ugly Truth by L C North BLOG TOUR #TheUglyTruth @Lauren_C_North @TransworldBooks @RandomTTours #BookReview


Melanie Lange has disappeared.

Her father, Sir Peter Lange, says she is a danger to herself and has been admitted to a private mental health clinic.

Her ex-husband, Finn, and best friend, Nell, say she has been kidnapped.

The media will say whichever gets them the most views.

But whose side are 
you on?

Told via interviews, transcripts and diary entries, The Ugly Truth is a shocking and addictive thriller about fame, power and the truth behind the headlines.

The Ugly Truth by L C North was published in hardback by Bantam Press / Penguin on 16 March 2023. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review as part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour 

I flew through this book in a day! I particularly enjoyed the structure of the novel, it's told in various formats including snippets from Twitter, extracts from an interview with the lead character's father and parts of a Netflix documentary. Some of the chapters are just a few lines long, whilst others are longer. For me, this style really works, it encourages the reader to continue to read and gives various views of one theme. 

Mellie Lange entered the public eye with a bang when she was just fifteen years old. The daughter of a well known businessman, she attended the opening of his latest hotel dressed to kill. The photographs taken that night were all over the press and Mellie's life was never her own again. 

When the story begins, Mellie has not not been seen in public for months. Her father, Peter Lange, officially says that she's receiving therapeutic treatment. However, her best friend Nell and her ex husband both believe that Mellie is being held captive by her father. There's no way that she would leave her two small sons for so long, she adores those boys and whilst she may have made mistakes in the past, Mellie has always been a great mother. 

The reader learns about Mellie's life, from the night of 'that' party, through her rise to fame, her relationships, her business ventures, her marriage and then motherhood. We are also privy to the shocking behaviour of the press, and not only the mainstream media. Ordinary, everyday people on Twitter feel obliged to pass comment on Mellie; about her figure, her looks, her money .... and it's often cruel and heartless. 

As a reader, it can be difficult to know if your are in the #SaveMelanie or #HelpPeter camp. Who is telling the truth?  Is Peter really as controlling as Mellie and Nell say, or is Mellie herself the manipulator?  It's clever and there are things said by all of the characters that raise question upon question. 

A frightening look at how the media can control the public's thoughts. Especially relevant these days, after the recent 'Free Britney' campaign, and of course, the absolute train wreck that is the Harry and Megan situation here in the UK. 

North really does understand people and social issues and this is such a fabulous read. I was totally hooked from the first page and am still reeling from the explosive ending. Highly recommended. 

L.C. North studied psychology at university before pursuing a career in Public Relations. 

Her first book club thriller - The Ugly Truth - combines her love of psychology and her fascination with the celebrities in the public eye. 
L.C. North is currently working on her second novel, and when she's not writing, she co-hosts the crime thriller podcast, In Suspense. 
L.C. North lives on the Suffolk borders with her family. 

L.C. North is the pen name of Lauren North. 
Readers can follow her on Twitter @Lauren_C_North and Facebook @LaurenNorthAuthor.

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