Juliette loves Nate.
She will follow him anywhere. She's even become a flight
attendant for his airline, so she can keep a closer eye on him.
They are meant to be.
The fact that Nate broke up with her six months ago means nothing.
Because Juliette has a plan to win him back.
She is the perfect girlfriend.True love hurts, but Juliette knows it's worth all the pain...
And she'll make sure no one stops her from
getting exactly what she wants.
The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton is published in hardback by Headline/Wildfire Books on 22 March 2018 and is the author's debut novel. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review.
I don't think I've stopped thinking about this book, or talking about it, or telling everyone that I come across to read it since the day I started it. There are some books that just capture the imagination and totally consume the reader. The Perfect Girlfriend is one of those books. I raced through it, and was then annoyed with myself for finishing it so quickly. I wanted to spend more time with lead character Juliette; she's incredibly well created.
Remember that saying; 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', from The Mourning Bride by William Congreve? Well Juliette really is a furious, scorned woman. I can assure you that you will not like her, or the choices that she makes, but my goodness, you will be transfixed by her.
Juliette, or Lily as she was known then was in a relationship with Nate. Nate is a pilot and Juliette/Lily really had made herself into the perfect girlfriend. Slipping comfortably into her role; learning to ski, cooking delicious meals, and being the perfect hostess. However, Nate wasn't so keen on commitment and when he told her that their relationship was over, she was determined that it wouldn't be.
Karen Hamilton cleverly weaves tiny snippets from Juliette's history into the the present story, and despite the reader knowing some of the traumas that she's endured over the years, it's still really difficult to empathise with her. Now Nate is no gentleman; he's spoilt and privileged. He lives a life of glamour and style as a well-paid respected pilot, and Juliette figures that the only way to ensure that Nate realises what he is missing is to get a job as cabin crew, for the same airline.
What follows is a story of devious devilment, of intricate and wickedly well plotted revenge. Amongst the jaw dropping events that Juliette conjures up are some spots of black humour that ease the tension, just a little, but it is so tense, and twisted and deliciously twisted.
The Perfect Girlfriend is a story of revenge. Juliette holds many grudges and these are slowly uncovered throughout the novel, creating more surprises with each chapter. Juliette is a brilliant study in narcissism; with hints of both sociopathy and psychopathy entwined in her character.
And then, there's that ending. Oh, that ending. Genius. I loved every page of The Perfect Girlfriend and am eager to see what Karen Hamilton produces next.

Karen is a recent graduate of the Faber Academy, and having now put down roots in Hampshire to raise her young family with her husband, she satisfies her wanderlust by exploring the world through her writing.
THE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND is her first novel.
Follow her on Twitter @KJHAuthor
One book I will definitely read as soon as it comes out. Looking forward to March.