Thursday 12 September 2024

That's Just Perfect by Nicola Gill BLOG TOUR #ThatsJustPerfect @Nicola_J_Gill @bedsqupublishers @RandomTTours #BookReview

Twenty-nine-year-old teacher Emily needs her father to believe her life is a success. He may have walked out on the family when she was a child and let her down when she needed him most, but her life is perfect despite him.

Or it was until last Friday, when her fiancĂ© dumped her. Now she’s facing a frighteningly empty future, and she’s unravelling at work. And just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, her father turns up on her doorstep.

Ed knows he’s got it wrong, and he wants to make amends, even if his motives aren’t entirely selfless. What better way to do that than to show Emily how much he cares about her wedding? He’ll even shell out for the dress if that’s what it takes.

Emily can’t bear to tell her father that her life has fallen apart. So she doesn’t. Before she knows it, they’re planning – and booking – a wedding that’s totally perfect.

Except for one small fact… 

That's Just Perfect by Nicola Gill is published today; 12 September 2024 by Bedford Square Publishers. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy as part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour 

Back in December 2023, I read Nicola Gill's last novel; Swimming For Beginners and just loved it.  I have been looking forward to That's Just Perfect for a long time. I have no been disappointed. It's a heartwarming, tender and funny novel that really hits that spot. 

Sometimes life throws such a curve ball at you that you are totally floored. Twenty-nine year old Emily thought that her future was secure. Engaged to be married to her long-time love Mark, she has a good job as a primary school teacher and a nice place to live. OK, so her cat Pebbles really doesn't like her, but she can live with that. Emily has had a lot of pain in her life. Her beloved Mum died when Emily was just a teenager, her Dad had already left them years before. However, her grandmother Liz has always been a huge support to her. 

And then, it all crumbles. Mark announces that he no longer wants to be with her, the wedding is off. Her grandmother has broken her shoulder and is currently in a nursing home, and her estranged Dad has just appeared unexpectedly on her doorstep, all the way from Florida. 

Nicola Gill cleverly tells her story through the three voices; Emily; her Dad Ed, and Liz. This is such a great way to learn about each character and what they are really feeling, rather than what they are showing to the rest of the world. 

Ed really wants to make things better with both Emily, and his own mother Liz. However, he also needs money desperately. He's finally found the love of his life and is happily living with ex-hippie Shona. He's in debt though, his multiple business attempts have failed. If he doesn't get the cash soon, he will lose their home, and most certainly lose Shona too. 

Coming to England feels like the only thing he can do. He knows that Liz has money, she's bailed him out many times before, but has refused another loan. Maybe a face-to-face chat will help?

Meanwhile, Emily is hiding the fact that she is no longer a bride-to-be, along with dealing with issues with a particular pupil in her class. Life seems to be one long battle, especially when Ed insists on buying a wedding dress for her, and putting down the deposit on a fancy wedding venue. Ed feels that he has to spend to accumulate, not realising that he's making everything worse. 

Meanwhile Liz is also in something of a muddle. She's totally smitten by Peter. She is imagining a life together, just him and her, travelling the world and being happy. Some of her friends are not so sure, and the niggles of doubt begin to creep in. 

This is a wonderful book, filled to the brim with characters that are relatable, funny, totally rounded and with their own flaws and quirks. The story moves along at a great pace, with unexpected little twists happening every so often. It is funny, it is uplifting and it is a fabulous read. Highly recommended. 

Nicola Gill lives in London with her husband and two sons. At the age of five, when all of the other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, she decided she wanted to be an author. Her ballet teacher was very relieved.

When she’s not at her desk, you can usually find Nicola reading, cooking up vast vats of food for friends and family or watching box sets. Occasionally she even leaves the house…

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