My Life In Books is an occasional feature on Random Things Through My Letterbox
I've invited authors to share with us a list of the books that are special to them and have made a lasting impression on their life.

This beautiful novel won the 2015 Desmond Elliott Prize for debut fiction and was nominated for the 2015 Edinburgh First Book Award and the 2016 Waverton Good Read Award.
I've always been a huge reader of whatever I could lay my hands on. When I was growing up I visited my local library every day while waiting for my lift home from school, selecting books from both the children's and adult sections. My Dad also had quite a few books and I was allowed to read whatever I liked.
Here are some from that time, as well as novels I've read more recently.
Small Dreams of a Scorpion by Spike Milligan This is a book from my Dad's shelves. It's poetry, but in no way comic - it's mostly from when Milligan was undergoing treatment for depression, and includes drawings by him and his daughter. I suppose I must have been seven or eight when I was reading this, which seems strange now. I recently bought myself a copy, and although looking at it again was nostalgic, I'm afraid to say that the poems don't bear too much re-reading.

It's the only book from childhood that I still have and it's inscribed by him.
I have to admit that I would look at it more for the wonderful illustrations by Edward Ardizzone, rather than the poetry.

Even just writing about it now, makes me want to go and buy it. Many of these things must have worked their way into my subconscious and are coming out in my novels and short stories, which often includes slightly creepy happenings.

My memory is (as is Peggy's - the narrator in Our Endless Numbered Days) from the vinyl album, which is a recording of the film from 1970. The album belonged to my sister, and although I was allowed to play it whenever I liked, I desperately wanted it to be mine. And just like Peggy I can still recite chunks of it.

At the after-show party, behind the door in one of the music practice rooms, I kissed Organ Morgan.

But Oryx and Crake has stuck with me for its story telling and setting more than anything else.

I was introduced to Comyn's work by my librarian husband fairly recently and I searched out and read all eleven of her books. She's a bit like an English Shirley Jackson; odd things happen and nobody blinks an eye.

It's quirky and odd. It has one of the best narrators ever written: Mary Katherine Blackwood, I love you.

Sukkwan Island is a novella within the book, and it had a huge influence on my first novel. Vann's stories are dark, he lets bad things happen to his characters, all the while describing the magnificent landscapes they inhabit.

Sometimes when I'm writing a first draft nothing works - the words don't flow, my style is too flowery or simpering, so I pick up Wildlife, open it at a random page and read some of Ford's words. They will always re-set me and start me going again in the right direction.

Her first novel, Our Endless Numbered Days was published in the UK in February 2015 by Fig Tree / Penguin, by Tin House in the US in March 2015, as well as seven other publishers around the world.
Her second novel, Swimming Lessons will be published in the UK in early 2017
Claire's short fiction has been published in Vintage Script, From The Depths, After The Fall and The Rattle Tales Anthology. One of her stories was shortlisted for the Brighton Prize, whilst another, Baker, Emily and Me won the BBC Opening Lines competition, and was broadcast on Radio 4.
Claire lives in Winchester with her husband and two children.
For more information, visit her website
Follow her on Twitter @ClaireFuller2