Friday 31 May 2024

Dressing The Countess by Rachel Brimble BLOG TOUR #DressingTheCountess @RachelBrimble @rararesources #BookSpotlight


Fans of Kristy Cambron, Stephanie Dray, and Julia Quinn will adore this Victorian romance from historical fiction dynamo, Rachel Brimble.

Seamstress Rose Watson cannot believe her good fortune when she’s plucked from obscurity to work for Lady Christina, the Countess of Bath. Despite her parents’ distrust that the position will come with conditions, Rose accepts the unexpected offer. 

 When she arrives at the royal residence of Henlow House, a strange sense of destiny whispers through her, and Rose cannot wait for this new adventure to begin. Although, she has Henry Ward to deal with, the handsome, risk-taking and—though she is loath to admit it—exciting royal saddler and horse trainer, who both fascinates and frustrates her in equal measure. 

 They could not be more different…with the exception of their hunger for more.

 But as they begin to trust one another, and their bond flourishes, Rose’s connection with Henry could cause her to lose her position at Henlow House, which would destroy her. Will she be forced to choose between love and ambition? Either choice will change her life irrevocably.

A captivating escape that will touch your heart and keep you turning pages with impatient hope for Rose… 

Dressing The Countess by Rachel Brimble was published on 9 May 2024 by Harpeth Road Press. 

As part of this Blog Tour organised by Rachel's Random Resources, I am delighted to shine a spotlight on the book here today.

Rachel lives with her husband, two adult daughters and beloved Labrador in a small town near Bath, England. 
She is the author of 30 novels and has been published by Harlequin Mills & Boon, Kensington Books and others. 
Her latest series includes the Ladies of Carson Street trilogy and the Shop Girl series, both published with Aria Fiction. 
She also has several single titles with The Wild Rose Press. 
Her debut novel with Harpeth Road Press, Dressing The Countess, was released  in May 2024.

Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and the Female Entrepreneur Association and has thousands of social media followers all over the world. 
She is also studying for a history degree with the Open University in her spare time…


Thursday 30 May 2024

Die Smiling by Julie Casson #DieSmiling @JulieCasson5 @CanburyPress #BookReview


Die Smiling is a rare and intimate account of one man’s journey to Dignitas in Zurich and his ultimate triumph over suffering and disease.

Told with wit and candour, Julie Casson traces her husband Nigel’s extraordinary journey from diagnosis of motor neurone disease to his death.

A successful businessman and father of three, Nigel battles the degenerative disease with boundless courage and gritty good humour, until, faced with the unimaginable torture of a slow, living death – his spirit crushed, his body a tomb – he takes control. He decides to go to Dignitas to end his life, while he is still able to die smiling.

The family prepares for this enormous logistical and emotional challenge: the gruelling Dignitas process and the 800-mile road trip to Switzerland. They complete it with pragmatism and humour. Denying motor neurone disease its victory and choosing his own cure, Nigel dies happily, in the arms of his wife and children.

This is a thought-provoking and deeply moving book, where love, family, dignity and choice conquer adversity. It sits in the heart of the debate on assisted dying and raises questions about the right to put an end to suffering and the right to choose how life should end.

As Britain considers introducing an assisted dying bill, Die Smiling allows supporters of both sides of the debate to go inside a family battling a terminal illness and the difficult journey an individual and close relatives and friends go through at the end of life. It is a frank and loving memoir that explains the reality of MND's cruel symptoms and the experience of going to Dignitas.

Written with the tenderness of With the End in Mind and the joy of Dr Rachel Clarke's Dear Life, this book has stayed in the minds of readers: an intimate portrait of a family loving life and united in death.

Although Die Smiling is a personal memoir and definitely not a campaign book, its publication has been welcomed by Sarah Wootton, CEO of Dignity in Dying, as an important contribution to the debate on assisted dying.

Die Smiling by Julie Casson was published by Haythorp Books on 15 February 2024. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review. 

The debate about the legalisation of assisted dying in the UK continues. Most people will have their own opinion about this. I've personally always been in favour of allowing those people who are terminally ill, and want to end their life with some dignity, to do so. There are many arguments raised from those who oppose it, and their opinions are just as relevant as my own. 

Julie Casson tells her story, and the story of her husband Nigel in this extraordinary memoir. She does it with a frankness and candour that is enlightening and will make anyone, regardless of their existing beliefs, think hard about the choices that Nigel made. 

What I want to say first is that I really wish that I had met Nigel. Julie paints such a wonderful picture of a bloke who loved life, who worked hard and adored his family. Nigel had started his own scaffolding business in Scarborough with very little money, over the years, the business grew and he and his family reaped the rewards. Nigel never forgot his roots, he still loved a pint with the lads, he enjoyed a round of golf and he was the ultimate joker. An all round, decent, funny bloke. We all know them, we all love them. 

Nigel's diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease rocked his family to the core. None of them knew what it was, but all of them visited Google to find out. With a prognosis of three to five years, the future looked bleak. However, Nigel never ever let his illness define him, or beat him. He approached every hurdle with his trademark humour, he was the one that kept the family going. As the years passed, Nigel's body began to let him down, but his brain was as sharp as ever. When he made the decision that he was going to be in charge of his death, just as he'd been in charge of his life, and go to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland, the massive planning operation started. 

What an incredible journey this was. For most of us, it would be case of hopping onto a plane, booking into a hotel and attending our appointment. When you have an enormous motorised chair, need a hoist to go to the toilet and cannot stand too much stimulation, the game changers. With his usual determination, strength and sense of fun, Nigel and his family achieved what he wanted. Just as he wanted and when he wanted.

Not only does Die Smiling lay bear the hardest of truths about this devastating disease, it also tells the story of an amazing relationship between Nigel and Julie. It is a story filled with love, with hope, with joy and yes of course, with sadness. 

Tenderly written, straight from the heart, this is a memoir that I savoured. Whilst of course, Nigel is no longer with us by the end of the book, I closed the final page with a sense of joy. Joy that there are families who are so caring and so loving and will do their utmost for each other. It is a brave and quite beautiful book. Highly recommended. 

Julie Casson is a debut author. She is a mum, grandma and great-grandma and lives in Scarborough, North Yorkshire with her beloved miniature schnauzer Bodger.

Julie spent twenty-three years working in Further Education. Starting out as a teacher, her career evolved into management. She holds an MA in management from the University of York.

Her career ended unexpectedly in 2007, when her husband, Nigel, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Julie became Nigel’s primary carer. Nigel’s positivity, humour and pragmatism throughout his illness, and his determination to take control of his death, are the inspiration for this memoir.

In 2011, she started a blog, posting light-hearted commentary on everyday existence and specific accounts of Nigel’s experience, which she later developed into this book. She completed a creative writing course at the University of York.

Julie is a supporter of the Motor Neurone Disease Association and member of Dignity in Dying. Her greatest wish is that Nigel’s story contributes to changing the law on assisted dying in the UK.

X @JulieCasson5

Being With Cows by Dave Mountjoy BLOG TOUR #BeingWithCows #DaveMountjoy @bedsqpublishers @RandomTTours #BookSpotlight


An intensely transformational story of how grief became gratitude in the presence of a humble herd of cows.

Being With Cows details the incredibly moving story behind the tragic death of one man’s brother and how his personal quest for inner healing came to him unexpectedly on his organic farm in the French Pyrenees.

A remarkably powerful yet heart-warming story, Being With Cows pays homage to Life’s unending compassion and insistence that in the very centre of all things, lies pure and untainted simplicity. Through a deeply tangible sense of gratitude, it tells of how tragedy can be overcome through the healing power of nature.

The book contains 12 original illustrations of cows by Sean Briggs©.

Being With Cows by Dave Mountjoy was published on 23 May 2024 by Bedford Square Publishers. As part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour, I am delighted to shine a spotlight on the book today 

• For fans of H is for Hawk and The Salt Path. An intensely transformational story of how grief became gratitude in the presence of a humble herd of cows.

• Aimed at the self-help market and is about finding salvation through acceptance of pain and sorrow.

• Authored by Dave Mountjoy, cattle breeder, founder of Being with Cows Retreats and Dave and the Retreats were the subject of the BBC documentary ‘The Secret Life of Farm Animals'.

'Dave Mountjoy writes movingly of how, by simply spending time with his cows, he found an unexpected sanctuary from grief, and a new awareness of gratitude, honesty and humility. He reveals how, in the presence of cows and without strain or effort, the mind is stilled, and the ego is shed. Being With Cows is a testament to the innate goodness and compassion of cows, and to the feeling of benevolence they evoke in those who encounter them. It is, like the cows themselves, a tonic for the soul.' – Mary Costello

Dave Mountjoy is a cattle breeder, the founder of Being with Cows Retreats and father of two slightly wild young boys. 

He is inspired by living in dedication to quietness, to acceptance and the understanding that behind the rough and tumble of everyday life, the unchanging presence of Love seeks only to guide us back into the lasting peace of the Heart.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Ghost of Seagull Cottage by Anne Allen BLOG TOUR #TheGhostofSeagullCottage @AnneAllen21 @RandomTTours #BookExtract


A haunting tale of love, loss and finding one’s place in the world

Widowed artist Annabel returns to Guernsey seeking a fresh start for herself and her young daughter away from her late husband’s controlling family. Seagull Cottage appears perfect, by the sea and with a low rent. The snag is it comes with a resident ghost, Daniel, a sea captain who died 70 years ago in 1946. He built the cottage and objects to anyone not family living there. He and Annabel have to come to terms with sharing what he still considers to be his home.

After a difficult start they begin to share their pasts and an unlikely friendship blooms, becoming deeper as they spend more time together. Annabel realises she’s falling for him but would she truly prefer a ghost to a real live man?

Blending elements of romance, mystery and the supernatural into a compelling tale about the power of human connection and presenting a modern twist on R.A. Dick's novel The Ghost and Mrs Muir and the classic movie of the same name.

The Ghost of Seagull Cottage by Anne Allen was published on 1 May 2024 by Sarnia Press. As part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour I am delighted to share an extract from the book with you today. 

Extract from The Ghost of Seagull Cottage by Anne Allen 

Guernsey, Spring 2015

Annabel stood by the rickety gate, gazing across the road to the bay, a languid scene of soft waves curling on the shore and colourful little boats bobbing on the water. She took a deep breath of the salt-laden air and smiled. Yes, she had been right to come back to Guernsey and hopefully this cottage would be the haven she had been seeking since…

‘Mrs Easton? Are you ready to view inside?’ The agent’s voice broke into her thoughts and she turned to him and smiled.

‘Sorry, admiring the view. Please, lead the way.’

The detached granite cottage was of a traditional Guernsey design, with a central front door and porch and matching windows upstairs and downstairs and with the addition of a small bay window in the attic. 

‘It’s a little tired, which is reflected in the rent, but it does possess a modern kitchen, bathroom and central heating,’ the agent, Jon, continued, stepping into the hall. He led the way to the back, presumably keen to show her how wonderful the kitchen was compared to the tired rooms. Although not a great cook, Annabel was pleased to see the gleaming cupboards and appliances, some still bearing manufacturers’ labels. Catching her eye, Jon grinned. ‘Yes, brand new. The cottage has been in the same family since it was built by the original owner in 1925. It’s been inherited by a relative who lives in Australia. He sees it as a long-term investment and took our advice with regard to some improvements.’ After giving her time to inspect the kitchen he led the way to the room opposite set out as a dining room with old-fashioned dark, furniture. 

‘If the furniture’s a problem we can have it removed.’ He waved his arm.

Annabel heard a whooshing noise as if someone brushed past her but there was only her and Jon, who by his startled expression had also heard something.

‘It’s okay, I could live with it. A nice, colourful tablecloth would brighten up the room.’ It was a good size with a window overlooking the rear garden and she could perk it up with her paintings on the walls. ‘Shall we carry on?’

The young man almost ran down the hall to a room on the right, overlooking the front garden with a glimpse of the sea beyond. Furnished with a sagging sofa and armchairs, it was at least inoffensive and more modern in style and Annabel could see it would be a cosy sitting room. 
‘And now we have a room which can be either a sitting room or a bedroom, depending on the size of your family.’ It was similar in size to the room opposite but contained a single bed, wardrobe and set of drawers. All heavy Edwardian.

‘Ah, I wouldn’t need it as a bedroom as I believe there are two upstairs. There’s only myself and my daughter. She could have it as a playroom. Without the furniture, of course.’ Again Annabel was aware of a whoosh of air and she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.
‘What’s that whooshing I keep hearing?’ 

Jon shifted his feet. ‘I’ve no idea, Mrs Easton. Perhaps a bird’s got in and trying to escape.’ Annabel didn’t believe him but shrugged her shoulders. She really liked the cottage and, more importantly, it was about the only one she could afford for the size and location.
‘Let’s go upstairs, shall we?’

She followed him up the stairs, admiring the workmanship of the mahogany handrail and spindles. Someone had spent more time and money on them than was usual for a relatively humble cottage. Upstairs, at the back Annabel smiled as the agent threw open the door to a fully tiled and well equipped bathroom with a shower cubicle and a bath. 

And then the two bedrooms, both at the front.

‘This is the master bedroom, and as you can see it’s a good size and with sea views.’ The agent waved his arm towards the window in emphasis. Annabel’s eyes, however, were drawn towards a large oil painting hanging on the wall opposite the iron framed bed. It was of a sailor in a Guernsey woollen jumper and serge jacket and offering a glimpse of his dark curls under a jaunty cap. He was sporting the ubiquitous dark beard and smoking a pipe. The arresting features were his eyes. A piercing blue, they seemed to follow her as she moved around the room.

‘Whoever is this chap? It’s been badly painted and not something you want in a bedroom.’ This time the whoosh was louder and she thought she heard a voice shout, ‘Get out of my house, woman!’ She blinked and turned towards Jon who had grown pale.

‘I… I believe he’s Captain Daniel Gallienne, the original owner who… who built the cottage.’
Something clicked in her head. Could it be? Surely not! This was the twenty-first century not something out of a Victorian novel.

‘Is it possible this captain haunts the place? Is that why the rent is so low?’ She risked a quick look at the painting, before turning to face the poor agent.

‘Well, there have been rumours, but nobody admits to actually seeing him. Until now all those who’ve lived here were descended from his sister, there’s never been any… any strangers.’

‘I see. And when did this captain die? Must have been some time ago, surely?’

‘Yes, not long after the Second World War. In his forties, I think. Look, Mrs Easton,’ he said, fiddling with his folder, ‘I’m sorry if you’ve been upset and I quite understand if you don’t wish to see anymore and leave—’

‘Oh, I’m not upset though I’m not sure what I feel. Shocked and… strange. But I don’t want to be put off by someone who’s been dead nearly seventy years.’ She glanced around the spacious room with the enticing sea view. ‘I really like the cottage and I’m sure we could be very happy here. Can you show me the rest, please?’ Annabel gave him her warmest smile as he nodded and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind them. 

Anne was born in Rugby to a Welsh father and an English mother. 

As a result, she spent many summers with her Welsh grandparents in Anglesey and learned to love the sea. 
Now she is based in Devon to be near her daughter and two small grandchildren. 
Her restless spirit has meant many moves, the longest stay being in Guernsey for nearly fourteen years after falling in love with the island and the people. 
She contrived to leave one son behind to ensure a valid reason for frequent returns. Her younger son is based in London - ideal for city breaks ☺

By profession, Anne was a psychotherapist who long had a desire to write and Dangerous Waters, her first novel, was published in 2012. 
It was awarded Silver(Adult Fiction) in TheWishingShelfAwards 2012. 
Since then she has published six more books in The Guernsey Novels series; Finding Mother, Guernsey Retreat, The Family Divided, Echoes of Time- winner of The Diamond Book Award 2017, a finalist in Readersfavorite awards and granted a ChillWithABookAward, The Betrayal, and The Inheritance, published April 2019. 
Her Previous Self. a Regency time-slip, is published 2nd August 2021.

You can find her on Twitter - @AnneAllen21

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Hidden Depths by J H Mann #HiddenDepths @JasonMa74964503 BLOG TOUR @rararesources #BookSpotlight


On a wild Cornish headland, Catherine Carlyon takes a decision that will change her life forever.

She is facing the bleak prospect of years in prison after being sucked into a fraud by a man she thought loved her.

Catherine has found a possible way out – to disappear. But disappearing comes at a price. She must abandon her family and everything she holds dear.

An epic adventure in the North Atlantic is looming which will take her to her limits and beyond…

Hidden Depths by J H Mann was published on 1 May 2023 by Dark Spider Books. As part of this Blog Tour organised by Rachel's Random Resources, I am delighted to shine a spotlight on the book and the author today 

Praise for Hidden Depths:

‘A conventional middle-aged woman has a passionate affair, becomes embroiled in fraud and makes the desperate decision to risk all in the hope of disappearing. J.H.Mann has lovingly evoked the Cornish landscape, from the wild Atlantic coast to the bleak and threatening moors, as a setting for a gripping thriller. I loved it’ – Debi Alper, author of the Nirvana series of thrillers.

‘The real essence of the challenge of open water swimming has been woven into a finely crafted suspense novel’ – Mark Richards, long distance swimmer, one of the few people to have successfully completed the 28-mile swim between Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Jason Mann is an award-winning journalist and writer living in the South West of
England with Nicola, his wife, and their lively whippet, Patch. 

He is also a shore-based volunteer for the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution).

Jason says: ‘Many of my stories are set in the wonderful county of Cornwall where truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction. I have swum and surfed there much of my life. It has been a special place for me with its legends, soaring cliffs, rugged moors and wild seas. The landscape has a raw, mystical magic. My father and mother’s recollections of rescues and tragedies on the North coast are often the inspiration for my stories. 
My father became one of the county’s early lifeguards after his predecessor was killed by a strike of lightning while standing in waist-deep water during a rescue.’

Monday 27 May 2024

The Wrong Child by M J Arlidge & Julia Crouch BLOG TOUR #TheWrongChild @mjarlidge @thatjuliacrouch @orionbooks @Tr4cyF3nt0n #BookReview


When 3-month-old Max is abducted, his parents are plunged into their worst nightmare. Devastated mum Sarah only took her eyes off him for a second, but that doesn't stop her guilt. Even husband Jake can't hide his anger that their little boy went missing on her watch.

By contrast there are smiles and celebration at a caravan park in Lincolnshire, as baby Blaze is introduced to the Star family. Jenna and Gary are delighted with the new addition to their family. He is their fourth child and a real object of delight to their eldest - fifteen-year-old Willow - who once again will raise the child.

But trouble is brewing for the Star family. Willow is concerned by the desperate online appeals from Sarah and Jake, baby Max has neonatal diabetes and without regular treatment will die. As baby "Blaze" becomes seriously ill, Willow makes a shocking discovery. What is the truth about her family? And how far will they go to hide their deadly secret?

The Wrong Child by M J Arlidge and Julia Crouch is published by Orion on 30 May 2024. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review as part of this Compulsive Readers Blog Tour 

I am a huge fan of Julia Crouch's writing, I've read all of her novels. I haven't actually read anything by MJ Arlidge before, but am very aware that he has a massive fan base and is hugely successful.  I'm always intrigued by these author collaborations, I'd love to know more about the whole process. The plotting, the actual writing etc, it's a fascinating concept as I've always believe that novel writing is a very solitary career. 

This is most certainly a book of two halves. Whilst I enjoyed the character building and the scene setting at the beginning of the novel, I did find it quite difficult to settle into. It's a slow burner for quite a while, and although I'd worked out how the two families were connected, it wasn't until the introduction of one, very key character, around half way through the book that I began to feel the tension. 

Sarah and Jake's little boy Max is just three months old. Sarah is really struggling with life at the moment, with two other small children to care for, and little help from Jake, she's really distressed. Feeling dowdy, and missing her professional life and colleagues, she admits to a friend over lunch that she didn't really want another child, but that Jake had promised to help out more. She's never openly admitted this to anyone before. 

After her lunch date, and a few glasses of wine, she decides to take a detour through a local nature conservation area. She only takes her eyes off Max for a matter of minutes, and is relieved that he's stopped his incessant crying. Leaving the cover over his pram, she goes home. It is then that the devastating discovery is made. Max is gone. Her baby is missing, and she was in charge of him. Jake cannot hide his anger at her, she had one job and so begins the urgent search for baby Max. 

Meanwhile, on a travellers site in the countryside. The Star family are welcoming baby Max. Mother Jenna, her partner Gary and children Willow, Moon and Tiger live off grid. No phones, no books, no television. Teenage Willow has always taken responsibility for her younger siblings. Whilst Jenna is, without doubt, the head of the family, she is far better at giving orders and sitting back and letting the others do the work. She's self centred, often violent, reckless and knows just how to wrap people around her little finger. 

This is novel that covers many emotional themes. From Sarah's obvious post-natal depression, to the toxicity of the Press and Social Media, to the absolute and unbreakable bond between three children who despite their upbringing have such a strong moral codes.  

Sarah and Jenna couldn't be more different and the authors cleverly weave their back stories into the plot. The relationship between the couples are exact opposites too. With Jake blaming Sarah for everything and going to pieces, and Gary's downtrodden role in Jenna's life which is finally overcome by his inner strength and beliefs. 

For me, Willow was the star of the story. A young girl, approaching womanhood who wants to be loved. Who wants nothing more than to protect her siblings, but also to have a more normal life. Her bravery and strength carries the plot so much. 

It's a complex plot that covers many issues, with characters that the reader can cheer on, and some that they will wish the worst for. There are some incredibly sad moments, some parts that will make you hold your breath and others where you will cheer out loud. 

Well written and finely plotted, albeit with a slow start. Recommended 

M.J. Arlidge has worked in television for the last twenty years, specialising in high-end
drama production, including prime-time crime serials Silent Witness, Torn, The Little House and, most recently, the hit ITV show Innocent. 

In 2015 his audiobook exclusive Six Degrees of Assassination was a number-one bestseller. 
His debut thriller, Eeny Meeny, was the UK's bestselling crime debut of 2014 and has been followed by ten more DI Helen Grace thrillers - all Sunday Times bestsellers.

Julia Crouch is the author of ten internationally published Domestic Noir novels: Cuckoo, Every Vow You Break, Tarnished, The Long Fall, Her Husband’s Lover, The New Mother, The Daughters, The Perfect Date, The Surprise Party and The Wrong Child. 

She has also written eleven plays and is developing a screenplay. She teaches for UEA, Faber Academy and the National Centre for Writing, and mentors writers trying to start, finish or polish a novel. 
Once a committed pantser, she is now an avid plotter.

Love Beyond Lindesfarne by Kimberley Adams BLOG TOUR #LoveBeyondLindesfarne @kim_adamsWriter @rararesources #BookExtract


Take a spring to summer trip to magical Northumberland and find love and laughter in this feel-good novel, which will transport you to the iconic island of Lindisfarne and beyond…

Ellie, and Zen with the coffee-bean eyes, met at Christmas when she came to Northumberland to look after rescue animals. They are taking their first tentative steps into a love-at-first-sight relationship and all in their spring garden should be wonderful.

When Lady Grace becomes ill, life at the castle changes overnight, and not for the better. The new custodian and his fiancée have plans, and the islanders are far from happy. When the filming of a reality show means the animals must move out of their yard due to the Queen of the Castle production company taking over, it’s the final straw.

Amongst all the drama, Love Beyond Lindisfarne is a story of love, intergenerational friendships, camaraderie, and oodles of the warmth and humour found in this very special corner of the world.

Love Beyond Lindesfarne by Kimberley Adams was published on 23 May 2024 by Shy Bairns Publishing. As part of this Blog Tour organised by Rachel's Random Resources I am delighted to share an extract from the book with you today. 

Extract from Love Beyond Lindesfarne by Kimberley Adams

(This section is about the two lead characters, Ellie and Zen. They are in a newish love at first sight relationship and drama keeps getting in the way of them having that ‘honeymoon’ period. They have just witnessed the shocking event of Lady Grace Lindisfarne being whisked off to hospital after a probable stroke and both feel it’s time to share their feelings…)

‘Ellie, what I learned today is that you need to say what you feel the minute you feel it, otherwise you may never get the chance. I should have spoken out ages ago, but I thought you might think it was too soon. I love you,’ he said without any hesitation or faltering in his voice. ‘I want you to know that. I feel I’m the luckiest man on Lindisfarne, if not the earth.’

‘Great minds think alike.’ I smiled. ‘I was going to say the same. I love you too: think I have ever since the moment we met. Those stars were right you know, and I know I’m the luckiest woman in the whole universe, not just the world.’

‘I know it’s early days Ellie, but I hope we grow old together – as old as Ethel.’ He laughed. ‘We can take over from Ma and Pa when they retire and move onto Greater Reef with our six kids and make a reality show like At Home with the Fury’s, except ours will be called On an Island with the Chambers, or Montagues,’ he added quickly.

‘Six kids? I think they might have seven now and I doubt I’ll ever be ready for life on Greater Reef. Mind, if they paid us enough! Seriously though, I do want children eventually.’ I could imagine what Zen’s baby would look like – all dark curls and huge coffee bean eyes – and I was smitten already.

‘I’m joking about Greater Reef Ellie, but I’d live anywhere with you, and I want a child or children with you too, if we are lucky enough. Seeing Grace like that today was a wakeup call. Life can change in the blink of an eye, and, as Ma is always telling me, live in the present. She is an incredibly wise woman is my ma.’

‘Well then, maybe our next step is that I move in with you when Imogen gets back, just to make sure that we actually can live together. It might turn out that we are incompatible. I mean, I prefer tea, and you coffee.’

‘Well, that is a deal breaker for me.’ He smiled. ‘But I will get you to change your mind!’

‘We’ll see,’ I said smiling. ‘Does that sound good to you, though?’
‘I can’t think of anything I want more… except this,’ he murmured, drawing me towards him…

Kimberley Adams released her debut novel, Love Lindisfarne in Autumn of last year. 

The book, a romantic comedy, is set in her beloved Northumberland and is a heartwarming tale of love and friendship on the small tidal island of Holy Island. 

Kim was stunned by the way the book took off in the busy Christmas book market and it became one of the highest rated of its genre on Amazon and gained Kim a lot of new friends! 

Kim hadn’t thought about writing a sequel but demand was there and so Love Beyond Lindisfarne was born. 

The book features all the favourite characters but can be read as a standalone. 

Kim’s Lindisfarne books share a special feature as Kim engages with a local artist and between them, they create the covers to match a scene within the book.  

Kim is also to be published traditionally by Farrago in April 24 in The Book of Witty Women. 
This was as a result of her being a finalist in the Comedy Women in Print Prize and her story, Go Your Own Way, is a comedy set on urban Tyneside and introduces two of her favourite characters, Donna and her nana Mary!