I'm happy to be hosting the Blog Tour for Eren by Simon P Clark today. The Eren Blog Tour is huge, and lasts for a whole month. Check out the poster above to see where it's already been, and where it's moving to next. I have a copy of Eren to give away, to be in with a chance of winning, please enter via the Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post.
Eren was published by Corsair (Constable & Robinson) in hardback on 18 September 2014, and is Simon P Clark's debut novel.
Tell the story to its end,' says Eren with a grin. His yellow eyes are glowing like embers in the night.'When I reach the end,' I say, 'what happens? You'll have the whole story.''Hmm,' he says, looking at me and licking his lips with a dry, grey tongue. 'Whathappens then? Why don't we find out?'
People are keeping secrets from Oli. His mum has brought him to stay with his aunt and uncle in the countryside, but nobody will tell him why his dad isn't with them. Where is he? Has something happened? Oli has a hundred questions, but then he finds a secret of his own: he discovers the creature that lives in the attic.Eren.Eren is not human.Eren is hungry for stories.Eren has been waiting for him.Sharing his stories with Eren, Oli starts to make sense of what's happening downstairs with his family. But what if it's a trap? Soon, Oli must make a choice: learn the truth - or abandon himself to Eren's world, forever.
There is no doubt that Simon P Clark can write. Eren is an imaginative, unique and at times, very strange story that will appeal to those readers who like something a little different, something a little challenging, and something that leaves them wondering.
I always find it quite fascinating how books can completely divide opinions. I think that one hundred different people could all read the same book, yet every one of those readers could discover quite a different story within the pages. Books use the reader's imagination, so much more than film or TV where the characters are there in front of you, the locations are picked out and the action is controlled. Some books stretch the reader more than others, and for me, Eren is one of those stories.
Oli and his mother have left London and are now living in his mother's childhood home, along with his uncle and aunt. Oli hears half conversations, he hears excuses. He doesn't hear the answer to his questions about his Dad. All Oli really wants is for the adults to be honest with him,
Oli makes new friends in Takeru and Em, he tries to get used to this new place, and he explores the attic.
Eren is the creature in the attic. A bat? Maybe. Eren is a lover of stories, and Oli soon finds himself engulfed in story telling sessions, and it is through these stories that he begins to work out more and more about what is happening in the adult world.
So, what story did I take from Eren? For me, this book is a story about stories, it's a book that deals with secrets, with lies, with trust and with unexpected endings.
Eren is not my usual sort of read. Fantasy is not usually my thing at all, and although the author says that Eren was written for the children's market, it is certainly a story that will appeal to many adult readers too, my guess is it will appeal to the Young Adult market far more than the mainstream adult reader. Saying that, there is something quite addictive about this story. Simon P Clark writes with ease, creating an atmosphere that is almost claustrophobic at times, yet the reader feels compelled to learn more.

He is 28
For more information visit his website www.simonpclark.com
Follow him on Twitter @sipclark
Eren Tales is a collaboration between Simon P Clark and photographer Brandon Rechten, bringing you twelve short stories, and twelve works of art, all inspired by Eren.
For more information, please visit www.erentales.com
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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