Tuesday 22 December 2015

Catlantis by Anna Starobinets

Baguette is just a regular house cat.
He likes to sit in the window, watch the birds, and eat three square meals a day.
What what's a regular house cat to do if he falls in love with a beautiful street cat who has some very strange - and really rather dangerous - demands?
Baguette must travel back through the Ocean of Time to the lost island of Catlantis.
He must find a way to save the nine lives of all cats before it is too late. And he must outwit the wicked black cat Noir, who is hot on his tail.
Only then can he hope to win the paw of Purriana. 

Catlantis was published in hardback by Pushkin Press on 22 October 2015. It is written by Anna Starbinets, illustrated and designed by Andrzej Klimowski and translated by Jane Bugaeva.

Catlantis is a short, but incredibly beautiful story of the most heroic and brave cat; Baguette. He likes to spend his days on the windowsill, looking out as the world goes about its business. He likes his food and his human family, but he loves Purriana.

Purriana is a sleek and gorgeous street cat, and Baguette would like to spend the rest of his days with her. But how can a house cat win the heart of a beauty such as Purriana, and espcially when he has a rival in the sly and conniving black cat Noir?

There is only one way to become Purriana's hero and that is to return through time to Catlantis and to recover the flower that will ensure that all cats, for all time, will have nine lives.

And so, Baguette embarks on an exciting journey where he faces the most terrifying of tests, and has to evade the obstacles that the evil Noir puts in his way.

Catlantis is a wonderful story, and the illustrations throughout are fabulous. This is a story that will delight children of all ages, and adults too. Baguettte is a heroic cat who readers will cheer on throughout his journey, whilst hissing at the villainous Noir.

A delightful book that would make a lovely gift for all.

My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review.

Anna Starobinets is an acclaimed, award-winning Russian novelist, children's author, scriptwriter and journalist.
She is perhaps best known as a writer of dystopian and metaphysical novels and short stories, and has been called 'the Russian Queen of Horror'.
Catlantis is her second children's book.


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