Ever been a small town girl trying to make a life in the big city?Meet twenty-something Aisling - that's pronounced Ashling - she can barely boil an egg let alone figure out what night bus to catch home.But she's got a job in the big city, a flat and a boyfriend. She has an umbrella for rainy days, an electric blanket for cold nights and keeps her kitten heels firmly on the ground.Until the day she accidentally ditches her only slightly useless boyfriend John. And finds herself in a spot of bother at work.Is it time to pack up and go back to the sticks?
Or can Aisling fix the mess she's made?
What's a Complete Aisling to do?
Oh My God, What a Complete Aisling by Emer McLysaght and Sarah Breen was published in the UK in hardback by Michael Joseph Books on 3 May 2018. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review, and who invited me to take part in this Blog Tour.
I have been desperate to read this book for ages. I follow the authors on Twitter and via the Aisling Facebook group, and their humour and their outlook really appeals to me. Whilst it's a great book for anyone to read, I do think that you are at an advantage if you have an Irish heritage. I spent every summer in the wilds of Donegal as a child, and reading Aisling was sometimes like going back 'home' and listening to my family. It's an absolute delight. I chuckled, and yes, I cried whilst reading it.
If you are a fan of Marian Keyes, you will love this. In fact there's an endorsement from Marian on the front cover, and I watched her vlog where she raved about it.
Aisling is a young, sometimes innocent, often vulnerable, and always funny Irish girl. She's been with her boyfriend John for years and the novel opens as she and John are attending yet another wedding. By the end of the night though, Aisling's life has taken a turn that she didn't expect. It's clear that whilst John adores her, and is happy with their life; marriage is not on the cards.
What follows is a hilarious, but poignant look at where a twenty-something Aisling goes next. The reader is treated to every aspect of her life, and that of her family and friends. It is an utter joy to read and I really could hardly bear to put it down.
These two authors show such an incredible insight into the human brain, they've created in Aisling, a character that readers will love, will identify with, will become exasperated with, but will always back. We follow her through the highs and the lowest of lows, and believe me, Aisling has some tragic times. I had a lump in my throat on more than one occasion.
I felt for every character. This really is an unmissable book. Delightful, charming and just quite perfect.

Maybe not complete Aislings but about 42%.
The Aisling character was conceived in their sitting room in 2008, when they began to observe the many traits, characteristics and quirks of a very particular type of Irish girl; one they identified around them and one they identified with.
The Aisling character started as an in-joke between two best friends on a Facebook group which now boasts over 50,000 followers and counting.
Follow them on Twitter: @EmerTheScreamer and @SarahJayBee
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