Our food production systems are the single biggest cause of environmental change, while diseases linked to our eating habits are at epidemic levels and increasing. Enough. uses the latest scientific research to address this vital question: can we provide a growing population with a healthy diet from sustainable food systems?
Fortunately for us all, the answer is yes.
Enough. shows exactly how we can tackle both of these urgent, interconnected challenges at the same time.
Using a seminal piece of research published in 2019, the Planetary HealthDiet (PHD), Dr Coburn reveals the hidden consequences of our food choices, and how we can easily make changes which are better for ourselves and the planet. She details which food groups we should be eating, which we should avoid - and why.
Changing our way of eating is something that every one of us has the power to do. Enough. is a clear, ultimately hopeful and hugely important roadmap for both own health - and the planet's.

Enough by Dr Cassandra Coburn was published by Gaia / Octopus Books on 7 January 2021. My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review as part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour.
Enough by Dr Cassandra Coburn has been my 'dip into' book over the past few months. It's a book that is so accessibly written that delivers a large punch. Anyone who has concerns about the future of our planet, and about our long-term health really should read this. The author comes across as both incredibly knowledgeable, but also totally understanding of how we have come to this point.
She doesn't preach at her readers, she produces facts, and explores ways that everyone can contribute to a future that doesn't include destroying more of our earth, and looks after our own health and well being too.
I've often thought that given my time again, I'd love to have trained in food science, or become a dietician. Over thirty years ago, I lost most of my small bowel due to adhesions and from that day forward, what I ate has had a huge impact on my health. I struggle to absorb the essential vitamins and nutrients from food as I don't absorb them, and have to rely on injections of various vitamins to maintain my health. I find it really fascinating how the average person disregards the effects of vitamin deficiencies, and the author goes into detail about the potential long term effects of a lack of nutrients.
At the end of October, my husband was taken into hospital, he was there for three weeks in total. His gallbladder and liver had become severely infected which resulted in sepsis. Due to the COVID situation, they were unable to operate to remove the gallbladder and he is now waiting for a date for the operation. He was really sick, and remains terrified that it may happen again. Since then, we've become even more conscious of food labelling, and I am constantly experimenting with new dishes, to protect his health, and to be honest, because even though I thought we ate well, I've realised that we could do much better.
The author links between food choices and the effect on our planet are well observed and eye opening. She divides her finding into chapters that include our the earth is interconnected, and then goes on to deal with different food groups such as fats, animal protein and fruit. She suggests alternative sources of protein, in order to cut down on eating meat, whilst assuring the reader that she is not vegetarian and has no intention of becoming one. Her suggestions are pretty simple to adapt to, and could easily become things that we can all do, almost without thinking about.
Enough is not a book that I sat down and read from cover to cover, but has become a 'go-to' book for me when I'm thinking about creating a shopping list for the week ahead. One of the tips that I've really taken on board, is to plan meals around the vegetables that I buy, rather than making meat the main focus. I admit I have struggled a little during the winter as I much prefer summer vegetables and salad but I'm looking forward to creating more dishes as the seasons change.
This is an excellently written book, my copy is already dog-eared and I will continue to reference it in the future. Highly recommended, this is an important subject that we should all be aware of, and we can all doing our bit to contribute.

Dr. Cassandra Coburn is a scientist, editor and author. She obtained her PhD in Genetics from the
Institute of Healthy Ageing at University College London, UK. She joined The Lancet in 2013, where she was Deputy Editor at The Lancet Oncology, and Acting Executive Editor of The Lancet Haematology. In 2020, she became the founding Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Healthy Longevity.
Cassandra has given talks on health in China, Japan, the USA and Europe, and has led multiple specialist commissions to address inequities in healthcare provision. A career highlight was launching a research programme for cancer care at the United Nations, alongside former US Vice President Joe Biden. She writes for both academic and general publications, including The Spectator, The Observer and The Reader's Digest. Cassandra is passionate about using science to inform and drive change in the world and believes that scientific knowledge can and should be interesting and accessible to all.
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