Wednesday 15 September 2021

A Candle for Consuela by Mike Kingston BLOG TOUR #ACandleForConsuela #MikeKingston @RandomTTours #AuthorInterview


Though her wounds are well hidden, they sometimes emerge to drag her to a place she never wants to visit again. Having fled for her life from El Salvador, she trailed through the US, France and Britain before finding safety and work in St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Church in London.

FATHER JOHN DOYLE, the devout priest at St Mary’s makes Consuela feel secure after years of turmoil, and they grow close as they work on the ‘Mission to the Homeless’.

When he meets SENOR ADOLFO GUZMAN at the church, however, Consuela sees him arrive. Memories of death, torture and loss consume her as the sanctuary of the church is snatched away from her.

When Father Doyle discovers why Consuela fears for her life, the evil truth about Guzman, and the tragic murders of six Jesuit priests at Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas in San Salvador, on 16th November 1989, a murder that echoed around the world, he is determined to make the right decision. Will he find the courage to stay true to his heart?

Will Consuela give way to the desperate feelings of revenge that consume her?

Find out in this gripping, disturbing political novel which explores a strong woman’s rage and her quest for revenge, forbidden love and a tortured romance, a gay priest who finds love and an explosive story where love triumphs over religion.

A Candle For Consuela by Mike Kingston was published on 27 May 2021 by Mitre Publishing.
As part of this #RandomThingsTours Blog Tour, I'm delighted to welcome the author here today for an interview.

Author Interview with Mike Kingston

Can you tell us a little bit about your book and why you wanted to write it?

The book is a memory of a part of my life that is impossible for me to ignore. The characters are a distillation of people who both inspired and disgusted me. A rough draft stayed in a drawer for many years before I summoned up the grit to confront those difficult times.

Have you always been a writer / wanted to become an author?

I have always written. During many of my activities, whilst there are intense bursts of action, there are often times of waiting for that action. During those times, I have always written.  However, to be an author seemed an unattainable and mysterious goal until very recently.

What made you take that leap and publish your book?

 It was time to stop prevaricating, finish the work I had started, and just put it out there.

Have you any more book plans in the pipeline?

Yes, three more in The Omega Files Quartet. All predicated on times and people I have known and experienced.

What advice would you offer other aspiring authors who want to self-publish their books? 

Take the plunge.

Mike Kingston - September 2021 

Mike Kingston has spent much of his career carrying out investigations throughout the world for
many organisations – from worldwide media companies to multi-national corporations and global law firms. 
He has been writing about and investigating corruption, espionage and conspiracy for more than 30 years.
His books reflect events he has encountered and the amazing characters, both courageous and wicked, he has met along the way.
Underlying his words is an enormous respect for the resilience of the human spirit in surviving heartbreaking situations and managing to live meaningful and fulfilling lives, often in desperate circumstances.

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