Saturday 2 July 2011

The First Reader's Day

I've been a member of for around six years now, it's a great website.  You list the books that you've read and don't want to keep, have a look at other people's book lists and request a swap. It's simple!  I've discovered some fabulous new authors, investigated genres that I would never have thought of reading and also accumulated an enormous TBR (to be read) pile - I'll never be short of something to read.  I know that some authors are not in favour of swapping sites, but I can assure them that most of us don't just swap books, often we will read a new author and then go out and buy their complete catalogue of books.
Just a few of the books!
The best part of the site, for me, is the community forum.  I've been an active member since I joined the site and it is a great community - it's a bookaholic's dream!  
Some forum members occasionally meet up, there have been meets all over England, and in Scotland and Northern Ireland.   Late last year, someone suggested a big official meet, and I, in my wisdom, offered to organise it.
Guy Pringle
Ian Carpenter

After months of work, contacting authors, publishers, venues and participants, the big day finally arrived last Saturday - and what a day it was!  We travelled to Birmingham, to a wonderful venue in the city centre, The Old Joint Stock Theatre - once a branch of Lloyds Bank, and now a pub and theatre.   I was thrilled by how successful it was, there were around 40 attendees and we had guest speakers: Guy Pringle, the publisher of New Books Magazine, Ian Carpenter - the author of Guardianwork and Emily Woof, the author of Whole Wide Beauty.
Emily Woof
The speakers were so entertaining, at times the laughter was uncontrollable!  
Simon from Bookswarm was incredibly supportive and helpful during the organisation of the day, helping with author contacts and sending freebies for the day.  Publishers including Constable and Robinson, Allison and Busby and Random House had all donated prizes and goodies to give away.
It really was a wonderful day, I was totally exhausted by the end of it all, but really buzzing from the success.


  1. It was a wonderful day Anne (as I am sure you know from all the threads/posts. I have yet to update my blog about our meet and will do so soon. The authors where fabulous and indeed very funny. I have Ians book now thanks to Alex and even bought one of the ones Guy brought from his box!


  2. It was fantastic to meet you at last! Thank you so much for coming all that way.
    You will love Ian's book xxx

  3. I'm sorry I couldn't be there - but supported you all in spirit,
    Maybe next time !!

  4. It was a great day! Loads of books, good food, great company (old friends and new ones) and an interesting and inspirational selection of speakers. Thanks to the publishers etc who supported the day. But most of all thanks to you for organising it all!

  5. I can't believe I didn't know this was going on. I obviously haven't been on the forum enough! I hope you're going to do another one. I'd love to have been there.
