Sunday 8 March 2020

Mexico Street by Simone Buchholz BLOG TOUR @ohneKlippo @OrendaBooks Translated by Rachel Ward @FwdTranslation #ChastityRiley

Hamburg state prosecutor Chastity Riley investigates a series of arson attacks on cars across the city, which leads her to a startling and life-threatening discovery involving criminal gangs and a very illicit love story...
 Night after night, cars are set alight across the German city of Hamburg, with no obvious pattern, no explanation and no suspect.
Until, one night, on Mexico Street, a ghetto of high-rise blocks in the north of the city, a Fiat is torched. Only this car isn’t empty. The body of Nouri Saroukhan – prodigal son of the Bremen clan – is soon discovered, and the case becomes a homicide.
Public prosecutor Chastity Riley is handed the investigation, which takes her deep into a criminal underground that snakes beneath the whole of Germany. And as details of Nouri’s background, including an illicit relationship with the mysterious Aliza, emerge, it becomes clear that these are not random attacks, and there are more on the cards...

Mexico Street by Simone Buchholz is published by Orenda Books - for Kindle in January 2020, and in paperback on 5 March 2020 and is the third in the Chastity Riley series. It is translated from German by Rachel Ward.
My thanks to the publisher who sent my copy for review for this Blog Tour

Welcome back Chastity Riley! One of the most intriguing, well written and kick-ass characters out there. She's sassy and outspoken, she does exactly as she pleases; smokes, drinks and swears. However, she has a softer underside; some vulnerabilities that only add enormous depth to her character and to this story. Yes, it's a very very big welcome back.

Hamburg is on fire. Well, cars in Hamburg are being set alight, to be correct. Chastity isn't really that concerned about the fires, but when the body of a dead man is found in one of the cars, she's on the case.
Teaming up with Stepanovik, aided by his team of Rocktäschel and Lindner, this investigation uncovers some extremely disturbing and often really upsetting things.  
Corruption within a community and immigration are at the heart of this story and this incredibly talented author weaves a world that is frighteningly real; with characters that will scare the life from you, doing things that really are at the depths of society. Oh, and there's a slice of romance running throughout the plot too; just to keep your interest, you understand! 

Simone Buchholz takes her readers by the scruff of the neck and transports them to Germany; we experience the side of this country that most of us have probably never even considered, and we do it in the company of some of the most intelligently created, colourful characters; some of whom we will love, and some of whom, we'd prefer never to meet in real life. 

Expertly translated by Rachel Ward, Mexico Street is magnificent, witty and surprising. It's a joy to be back with Chastity Riley, and with Simone Buchholz

Simone Buchholz was born in Hanau in 1972. 
At university, she studied Philosophy and Literature, worked as a waitress and a columnist, and trained to be a journalist at the prestigious Henri-Nannen-School in Hamburg. 
In 2016, Simone Buchholz was awarded the Crime Cologne Award, and second place in the German Crime Fiction Prize, for Blue Night, which was number one on the KrimiZEIT Best of Crime List for months. 
The next in the Chastity Riley series, Beton Rouge, won the Radio Bremen Crime Fiction Award and Best Economic Crime Novel 2017. 
She lives in Sankt Pauli, in the heart of Hamburg, with her husband and son.

Follow Simone on Twitter @ohneKlippo and visit her website:

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